Rollout Merger


1. Open this from Oracular MOCA Client Tools menu

a. If your current server does not contain the file $LESDIR/scripts/, report an error and close

2. Drag and drop folders into the window that pops up

3. Enter a destination directory into the text box

4. Click the "Generate" button

a. All files from the rollouts in the list are merged into one rollout according to the order of the list

b. The script contains REPLACE statements for each file for each file that was not removed by the end of the list

c. The script contains RUNSQL/RUNMSQL/RUNSQLIGNOREERRORS statements for each db/ddl file (based on the extension)

d. The script contains LOADDATA *.csv for each db/data directory

e. The script ends with MBUILD and REBUILD LES

f. %LESDIR/scripts/ is downloaded and saved as in the merged rollout directory

5. The merged rollout directory opens